vrijdag 18 december 2009

Task Flow

After detailing our final cross media concept, we continued by creating flowcharts for the different platforms and media we use. The website and mobile phone have been seriously updated/changed to create better crossovers and increase accessibility.

Media Strategy & Conceptual Design Report

Hi followers,

(Scenario is included in the Media Strategy report!)

With feedback on our presentation we have detailed our concept so all aspects of it are clear. We now have a final crossmedia concept

From our last presentation we noticed people have difficulty understanding our concept explanation, and believe it to be more complicated than it is. So we have focused on creating a detailed and credible scenario to accompany our concept. The scenario is accompanied by images and gives an example of how Pieter, our persona, uses our crossmedia project.

maandag 7 december 2009

Cmid Presentation 2 Concept Group F3

Dear followers,

Hearby we present you our concept presentation, of crossmedia design, we gave at 7 December at the faculty of Industrial Design in Delft

Concept Plan

This a a visualization of our concept. It features parties, platforms, media, and interactions.

  • The involved parties are the users (travellers), and the creators/moderators of the final project.
  • Platforms are mobile phones (GSM), the big screen, and the website.
  • Interactions are visualized by the arrows, and their direction shows in what direction interaction (input and output/feedback) take place.

Concept Visualization

Here is a quick visual impression of what our project could look like in the new trainstation.
Basically an enormous screen located on the platforms.
It's presence is a visual cue for interested people to crossover to another platform; their mobile phone.

There could be additional (tangible) cues. For instance we imagined a yellow line swirling along the platform's floor leading up to an information post standing below the screen.